Well, we all headed down Sunday to Framingham MA. to spend the night in preparations for my tournament which was actually being played Monday morning at Newton Commonwealth Golf Course.
There was Pop Pop, Patsy, Big Mom Mom, Dad, Riley and me along with golf gear all packed in the Jeep.
We arrived about 8:00 PM and got checked in our rooms got on bathing suits and headed down to the pool for a quick dip, man it was hot in there, with a strong smell of chlorine but we enjoyed it just the same, only Riley and I went in.
After we left the pool at about 9:00 we headed upstairs and turned in for a good nights sleep.
We all got up about 6:00AM, got dressed , and went down for breakfast and were all out the door by 7:00 AM.
We stayed at the Sheraton Hotel in Framingham and it looked like a huge old stone Medieval Castle. It was actually a pretty nice place, but was very large .

We started out for our 16 mile ride over to Newton Commonwealth Golf Course but ran into heavy traffic, made a bad turn, or two, but still got there early enough, but not as early as we wanted.
They had no driving range, or practice area there, so our practice was almost nonexistent. So having not played any golf for few days I was a bit rusty but still thought I had enough game to compete.
I was playing with Jack Tobin and Owen Murphy both from MA.

I started off playing a lack luster round from the very beginning not really hitting any shots crisp at all, a double bogey on the first hole is not a good way to start a round.
I was mis-hitting putts either from a faulty stroke or a bad read and generally not playing up to par, plus this was a very tough layout if your game wasn't sharp.
None of us did what you would call lighting it up, but I stayed pretty competitive through the middle holes and managed to snake in a couple of birdies but not enough to pull away from Jack. I double bogied the last 2 holes of regulation something I don't recall ever doing, then after finishing in a tie with Jack, I managed to double bogey the playoff hole too.

Obviously ou can't win many tournaments playing like that, so I finished in 2nd place, not like that is a bad thing, but I felt like I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory with my sloppy play.

My kudos to Jack for hanging in there for the win.
Picture taken out front of the Clubhouse with my brother Riley who did mange to pull off a second win in a row.
Way to go Joe D.

I play next week in Hill View Golf Course in North Reading MA. a course I have never laid eye's on before, so it should be fun and interesting.

See you there ,or here after that, then it's off to Pinehurst for week.

Later, Scoot