"NEXT ON THE TEE": Hillview Golf Course Tournament

Hillview Golf Course Tournament

This week at Hillview was the last tournament before the World Championship starts next week in Pinehurst, so it was an an important week to get mentally ready for that.

We had rented rooms in Andover MA. at the Wyndom Andover Hotel since we had an 8:00 AM Tee time scheduled for Monday morning at Hillview Golf Course in North Reading MA.

We drove down Sunday afternoon and arrived at about 7:30 PM, Pop Pop was waiting on us when we arrived since he had been working in ME. over the weekend.

We arrived in time to get in a little pool time before turning in for the evening, which we did about 9:00 or so, Dad and I were in one room, Pop Pop, Patsy and Big Mom Mom were in the other room,  they were nice rooms I might add too.

We bounced out, ok crawled out, of bed around 6:15 we all had a Blueberry Muffin and we were on the road by 7:00AM for our 15 minute ride to the course, we drove straight there and never got lost either.

I hit a small bucket at the range and rolled a few putts before our tee time, we got off the tee promptly at 8:00 but there was only James Imai and I together, our 3rd pairing was Jack Tobin who couldn't make it.

Andy Ingham the tour director was out taking pictures of some of the players preparing for the round, and Pop Pop snapped a picture of him without his knowledge.

We were the first group out so we had a clear course in front of us which makes it nice. James and I have played together several times so we know each other's game pretty well consequently we can get around the course pretty quick, and we did today, an 1 hr and 45 minutes round is a pretty good time for 9 holes of competitive golf where the ball has to hit the btm of the cup.

I played a pretty good round of golf all in all, hitting my full shots all pretty solid and in the right position, my wedges weren't as crisp as the could have been, but my putter was working well today so I rolled in some nice putts during the round.

James was hitting the ball pretty well too, but had been on the road the day before flying in from the west coast, so he wasn't as sharp as usual so he struggled a little because of that, we all know about those days, since we've all had more than one of them.

I finished with a one over 37 which could have been better, like every round we play where we look back and say, oh my what could have been..

Picture of James and I on the 18th.

Regardless of that I still managed to finish in 1st place and Xavier Marcoux finishing in second, and Jason Temel in 3rd.

Jason wasn't around for the photo at the end.

We are back home now until Friday when we head to Pinehurst, we will do our best to do a daily update form there if possible.

Later, Scoot