"NEXT ON THE TEE": Sunday Shootout at Orleans

Sunday Shootout at Orleans

We left home and headed up to Pop Pops to pick him up and go to Orleans for a Sunday Shoot out.
We all three got in Pop Pops truck at his house and "boogied" on up to Orleans.

When we got there and signed in at the Prop Shop, they said  don't "fiddle" around since there is a group of about three foursomes starting out in a few minutes" so we ran to the first tee and got out before they did, no problem.

We played along pretty quickly and opened up quite a gap behind us so we could then back off and concentrate on the round and ball striking. I even had time to eat a snack before teeing off on the 5th hole.

I was striking the ball pretty  well but was still not rolling the putts very well since I had 3 or 4 lip outs that should have gone in, but noooooo.
Picture of me on the Troll bridge between the 7th green and the 8th tee box.
The troll must have taken the day off since he never showed up while we were there anyway.

Picture of me teeing off on the 8th hole, I landed a little short of the green, but not by much
it's about 155yd's to the front edge.

I wanted to quit after the 9th hole and work on my short game, but Dad hasn't had a chance to play much this year since he has been helping me a lot, so I continued on around with Dad and Pop Pop until the 16th hole.

I went on to the practice green after that and chipped and putted until Dad and Pop Pop finished up, then they met me back at the club house.
We left the course and stopped at the store in the village then went on back to Pop Pops for a cookout.
Pop Pop grilled some burgers and dogs and we had those with all the trimmings,  plus some Chocolate Cream Pie for desert

After dinner me and Patsy hit wedges in the back yard while Mom and Dad got stuff gathered up, and sorted out for a yard sale coming up Memorial Day Weekend.
Join us at Pop Pops for that, and oh yeah, bring money.
Later I played a little whiffle ball with Patsy, Mom and Riley in the back yard.
Then we all piled in the cars and returned home pretty tired after a long and fun filled day.