"NEXT ON THE TEE": Busy, Busy Week underway

Busy, Busy Week underway

Busy week so far and getting busier.

Pop Pop picked me and Riley up from School Wednesday, we left there and drove straight up to Orleans CC to play a few holes got there about 4:45.
There was only a handful of people there since it had drizzled all day, but there was brilliant sunshine while we were there.
We played hole's 1 through 4 hitting 3, or 4, shots from different positions on the course and then making a few extra putts on each green as well.

After hole number 4 we went over to the practice green and chipped and putted a while, mostly putted though.

After that we went inside to eat some supper.
Me and Riley had Hotdog and Fries, Pop Pop had the Chicken Salad again, he really like's that stuff I guess, I did share some of his greens though.


Riley? he was just slamming food since he was very hungry, and I'm not sure he knew what he was eating, he was just eating.

Emily Maclure, the new owner came over and took our order, she is from the area originally and is back home now operating the
 "Orleans Country Club and Restaurant"

and doing a great job with the menu and pricing, so if you haven't been over for a visit do so, you won't be disappointed.

Picture of Me, Emily and Riley at the table.

The 9th hole was looking pretty nice as we were leaving, Greg, Rick and the gang have done a wonderful job getting things playing great early.

We made our usual stop at Bob's Kwik Stop for a Orange/Vanilla mix Creamee , nasty good, and headed on home to crawl our sagging behinds into the bed, said Prayers and were all out like lights.
The next morning after a much needed nice restful night, we had breakfast and then Pop Pop took us to school, he had to head back home and schlep on down again in the afternoon for my School "Recorder Recital and Art Show" in the evening.
Pop Pop, Patsy and Big Mom Mom came down and picked us up from school at 3:30, we stopped and got gas, then went home and ate "Homemade Sub Sandwiches" with a "Big Ole Honk'n Moon Pie" for desert.

We left right after eating and went over to the "Barre Country Club" for some short game work, there was a tournament going on and there was a lot of activity, but it did not bother us, or our regimen.

Stayed there and putted for a while, I took a $1.50 from Pop Pop in a Putting contest, yet again, and that will go into my "Pinehurst" kitty.

Went home about 5:30, changed cloths and headed to school, we parked out front and then walked in to see our Art Work.

Picture of my Art, a big Bear with it's mouth open in a loud growl, scary looking thing, I think so anyway.

Then we went into the gym for our Recital, which went very well, every grade had a different performance, and theme, except when we all did the Star Spangled Banner, which is always a special treat.The Music teacher Pam Dunkling did a wonderful job in preparation and presentation, we are lucky to have her there and we all commend her for her hard work.

My Home Room teacher, Mrs. Christie, who does a wonderful job as well, however she promised Pop Pop a picture of me taken in class to post in my blog, but has not done so yet, but there will be no reprimands issued since she is very busy right now also.:-)
Double Header Golf tournament coming up this weekend
